All submissions will be made on-line, deposit materials (CDs, Haku Mele lyric sheets, etc.) will be uploaded – no hard copies will be accepted.
All submission fees will be paid online.
There are separate forms for:
- Album of the Year
- EP Release of the Year
- Single of the Year
- Music Video of the Year
- Music DVD of the Year
- International Album
- Anthologies
Each entry form you submit must have its own submission materials.
For example, if you have a song that appeared on your album but is also eligible for Single of the Year (based on it being released as a single at least 30 days before the album), you must also enter it using the Single of the Year submission form, include an archive with its audio or graphics files and any other required materials, and pay a separate entry fee. We recommend placing the submission materials for each entry in separate folders because you will have to upload these materials for each corresponding entry.
Review what materials are needed for each category via the guidelines above. Please prepare your submission materials in the following formats:
Your release’s audio files should be prepared as MP3 files. Every track on your release should be submitted in this format.
Songs you are submitting for consideration for an Engineering Award should be prepared as WAV files, 44.1k, 16 bit resolution. Please submit a file in this format even though you may have also submitted the track as an MP3 file.
Video files you are submitting for consideration for Music Video of the Year should be prepared as MP4 files.
Graphics, Liner Notes, and lyrics/translations/narrative for Haku Mele entries should be prepared as PDF files.
Your release’s cover for TV broadcast – MUST be sent 1MB in size.
Submission Forms
Mahalo nui for your Mele and good luck!