Email & Mailout Service


HARA offers a mail-out and an email blast service to members.  The list of HARA members is never distributed or shared to any individual or organization, but HARA acknowledges the importance of communicating news of an event, a new release for Hoku Award consideration, and other worthy communication to fellow members.

This service is offered to members as well as non-members for a fee.

For the mail-out service HARA can send postcards, letters, flyers, or CDs to membership.  Another popular means of communication to membership is by email blast.  Members or other individuals or organizations wanting to take advantage of this valuable service must prepare mail-out materials in accordance with rules established by the HARA office.

Postcards, Letters, Fliers:

  1. Must be mail ready
  2. Postcards need to be 4″ x 6″ or you will end up paying more for postage
  3. Delivered to the HARA office (please call prior to delivery)
  4. Fee: $200.00 HARA members, $250 non–members (cash/check, all Paypal and Credit Card payments are subjected to 5% handling fee)

Email Blast:

  1. File must be in a pdf file format
  2. File cannot be larger than 500 kb
  3. Must be emailed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  4. Fee: $200.00 HARA members, $250 non–members
  5. Fee for 2–email blasts: $300.00 HARA members, $400.00 non–members (cash/check, all Paypal and Credit Card payments are subjected to 5% handling fee)


  1. Cash
  2. Check / Money Order / Cashier’s Check
  3. Credit Card (Visa / Mastercard) – can be accepted by phone to expedite mail–out of product (cash/check, all Paypal and Credit Card payments are subjected to 5% handling fee)
Options (5% charge included)

Once Payment is complete:

  1. Please Email your PDFʻs, preferred day to have e-blast sent, and any other info to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. For Physical mail outs please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling the HARA office at (808) 593-9424

NOTE: HARA will not mail out or e–blast items prior to payment

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the HARA office at (808) 593-9424 or email at:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.